
Congratulations on your new Napsss! 

We are proud to say that our products are certified to be realized with high quality materials and in the full respect for environment. They are projected with the will to guarantee to you the best in therms of comfort, relax and support. Moreover, our products are highly qualitative, thoroughly designed, reliable, hygienic and lasting. 

Maintenance tips

Use bedsprings of the same size of the mattress, preferring slatted bases: we cannot accept claims in case of unsuitable bases. 
It is not necessary to slip our mattresses, but if you would like to, we suggest you to rotate it by 180° twice a year (head-feet, with the white side always on top). 
We recommend you to move the mattress when it's complete of its cover.  
You shouldn't place your mattress on a base with no air circulation, because it could suffer from mold. 
Infact, the mold is the degenerative process of organic substances that is totally physiological and no air circulation can start it, regardless of the used materials. 
Please be careful: the room has to be daily areated, even in winter, to eliminate the humidity created while sleeping; do not squeeze or fold the mattress; always use the covers to avoid any damage. Be careful while using the zip. 
Every mattress is designed and projected with the will of making you sleep well: so it's not suitable for other uses. Do not jump on it and do not sit for long times on its edges, excessive pressure on small areas could damage the structure. 
Cleaning: the textile covers has to be cleaned following the instructions on the label. 
Do not expose the mattress at the direct sunlight: infact, memory foam is sensitive to the UV rays and to oxidation and could lightly turn its colour to yellow; please note that this phenomenon is a normal chimic process, strictly aesthetic and that does not affect the hygiene or structure of your product. 

10 years warranty on mattresses

Napsss warranty covers the 100% of the purchase price for the first 2 years: at the 3rd year it covers the 60%, at the 4th the 40% and till the last year the 20%. 
The warranty period starts from the purchase date shown on the receipt and is subject to the attached use regulations ant maintenace tips. 
During the warranty period, repairing and related labour has to be considered free carriage free, otherwise shipping fees will be charged. 
We do not accept responsabilities for the eventual discomfort causef by the normal period needed for repair the mattress: timing will always be agreed by Napsss and the customer. 
This warranty starts from the date shown on the receipt that must be kept by the customer; the receipt has to clearly show the purchase date, name of the customer and the name of the product. All of these elements have to be legible. 
The communication of the eventual defect has to be submitted by registered letter, telegram or fax to Napsss srl in 1 month from the finding.

2 years warranty on pillows and cover

Napsss warranty covers the 100% if the purchase price dor the first 2 years. 
The warranty period starts from the purchase date shown on the receipt and is subject to the attached use regulations and maintenance tips. 
During the warranty period, repairing and related labour has to be considered free carriage free, otherwise shipping fees will be charged. 
We do not accept responsabilities for the eventual discomfort causef by the normal period needed for repair the mattress: timing will always be agreed by Napsss and the customer. 
This warranty starts from the date shown on the receipt that must be kept by the customer; the receipt has to clearly show the purchase date, name of the customer and the name of the product. All of these elements have to be legible. 
The communication of the eventual defect has to be submitted by registered letter, telegram or fax to Napsss srl in 1 month from the finding.

Voidance of warranty

The warranty shall automatically become voi in these conditions: 
Non-observance of use regulations;
Damages caused by circumstances unrelated to the use;
Dips: a light dip linked to the morphological adaptation has to be considered normal; the warranty does not cover eventual dips that are less than 20mm. These dips have to be considered physiological by the adaptation of the covers and layers structure hit by the body weight (tolerances according to the UNI 10707 standard and futher modifications; measurements according to the UNI EN 1334 standard);
For hygiene reasons, every product stained by organic liquid are excluded by any warranty;
This warranty does not cover little size variations: sizes may vary in 2% for the width and in 1% for the length; 
Defects that are recognizable in the purchase or shipping moment (unsewing, textile rips or defects) have to be communicated in 8 days from the shipping date with registered letter, telegram or fax; 
The warranty does not cover damages caused by normal use, inappropriate use, non observance of use regulations, accidents or external causes. The warranty does not provide any refunding in case of direct or indirect damage of any nature to people, animals or things resulting from improper use of the product. 
At the end of its use, do not dismiss the mattress to the environment, but please contact the local authority for its right disposal; 
Remove the packaging in maximum 1 day after the product is received, if you have to wait please open the box to permit normal air circulation avoiding humidity stagnation. 

Questions? We're here for you!

Feel free to contact us for any need or doubt, we'll be happy to help you.

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02 30 38 80
7/7, 8 am – 10 pm

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7/7, 8 am – 10 pm